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Loves good food and music both Desi and western.......... I am a 2nd year student of Computer Science and Engg at IIT Kharagpur

Saturday, August 27, 2011

All about Steve Jobs!

Steven Paul Jobs better known Steve Jobs, who's a business magnate, co-founder of the Apple and the "Ex-CEO" of the same. We all know about him but this article sheds it light at some interesting facts of life and his entrepreneurial journey.
• A Zen Buddhist and rose by adoptive parents. Belongs to the league of famous college drop-outs that include Bill Gates (Microsoft), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Michael Dell (Dell) and Richard Branson (Virgin group).

• "Finding Nemo", "Wall-E", "Cars", "Ratatouille", "Toy story series", "Up" are the modern day animation marvels. The name that connects all these is "Pixar studios". Jobs served as its Chief executive till Disney bought it in 2006 making him the largest shareholder.

• The usage of "i" as in "iTunes", "iPod" etc started with "iMac" in 1998 which according to him meant internet, individual, instruct, inform, inspire!

• He travelled to India to meet Neem Karoli Baba with his college friend in search of enlightenment and came back a Buddhist with his head shaved in Indian traditional cloths.

• During his stay in India, he experimented with psychedelics of which he named LSD experiences as "One of the two or three most important things done in life".

• In 2008, Bloomberg accidentally published Jobs' obituary. Seriously, can you believe that?

• He has been suffering from "pancreatic cancer" since 2004. Hormonal imbalance, a brutal and complex operation named "Whipple procedure" and a liver transplant weren't able to stop him at any point.

• When a reporter asked what market research went into the iPad, Jobs replied: "None? .It's not the consumers' job to know what they want."

• Apple wanted John Sculley(Ex-President of Pepsi-Co) for the marketing of their computers. Jobs successfully sealed the deal with his legendary pitch to Sculley saying "Sell coloured sugar water for the rest of the life or come with me and change the world?"

• Surprisingly, this business tycoon holds 313 patents while his tech peers Bill gates got 9 and Larry Page got 12.

• Jobs' resignation is supposedly the worst news for Apple Inc. but surprisingly, the share cost didn't even blink at the wall street and the share price ended up being 32% more than the day before's closing price.

• Apple paid CEO Jobs' only $1 a year. Don't be awestruck; it's just the funny side. He holds 5.426 million Apple shares, as well as 138 million shares in Disney.

• Steve loves Bob Dylan and also a great fan of "The Grateful Dead" and "The Beatles". Also, describes himself as an "audiophile".

• "I don’t give a s#*t about what I look like", Steve once confided to friends. This is why he is always seen in his Levi’s blue jeans and black mock turtleneck, even for public occasions.

• Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. - Steve Jobs.

I strongly hope that Jobs' retirement will be like "Frank Sinatra's retirement". Don't worry if you don't get it. It just means that his pace of doing things decreases as he just pretends to be out of the picture but doesn't really leave entire frame and keeps coming back onto the world for a certain amount of time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Green day !!!!

My first encounter with a lovely song "Last night on earth" has made go crazy about that band. As I started to listen to the other beautiful songs like "Boulevard of the broken dreams" I just felt that the drum beats and the smooth decay of the bass made me feel high. Slow beats n the punk rock with a message embedded in it.The other real good songs like "Holiday","21 guns","St.Jimmy" etc stay in many music loving minds.

Humorous perceptions...... infact a satirical one .. :P

Character definitions :
haloo - Hallow mind, can be understood if I tell the word "paplu".
laloo - Huha stud (according to KGP's lingo)

haloo - What the heck are the bhatthi guys strippin' since 1956?
laloo - Possibly, their heads to escape from the sway of their profs.

laloo - Do u know the similarities of falling from a tall building and studying one semester?
haloo - Nope!! No idea!!
laloo - Both of them have got interesting journey time except their horrific end.

haloo - Why the hell did u manipulate the readings in your lab report??
laloo - Everything's fair in love and lab experiments.

haloo - What's with the horror edition of spring fest?? Why is it named so??
laloo - Cuz, this time there's allowance only for iitians girls no non-iitian ones.
The shows are -- Cerebro tortura by Lady Gaga.
and "Losers unplugged" by Himesh Reshammiya joined by Rakhi Sawant.
Apt name!! Isn't it??

An useful product for a kgpian: "BUZZINGA" ----

When u r aware that your alarm is buzzing , you switch it off and sleep.. Hence, missing classes and many of us stay in the world of sixers.Now, this is a product that's gonna clear off from your sloth.Well, when this alarm starts buzzing it moves around in random path making a lot of noise and irritating the heck out of you. When u catch it and tries to switch it off, you get a gentle electric shock by which you would be completely ripped off from your sleep. Then a LCD screen pops up to show your schedule. Cool , isn't it??

Bingo!!! -- Cuz this gonna strike you when you think about it.

*Sanctuary for cats n flies sometimes dogs - Mess
*Pay enough, eat crap - Billoo's
*Can't addict to it cuz it doesn't contain caffeine at all - Nescafe
*Oasis in this Universal desert but its just an oasis ( a small dirty water pond) - CCD and BigBazaar.
*PDS assignment - Ctrl+a,ctrl+c,ctrl+v, ctrl+s, upload, found guilty in the plagiarism check.
*Chemistry lab - the most pathetic place one could ever be in.
*HSS grades = rand()%(Ex-F); //Random grade generator.
*After you graduate, you will still find that there's a lot of it still sticking onto your intestines. - Maggi

*first years - "mice in the wonderland"
*Second years - scapegoats
*third years - supervisors and pseudo planners
*fourth years - Godfathers or their female versions
*fifth years - Apparently, there's no fortune of knowing'em.

*BC roy hospital - Phew!! Poor patients!!! We're living in a world where pizza comes faster than our ambulance.

*erp system -- 2+2 = ????
RESULT : @#*@#^#&(@@#(@
Unable to process 500 internal server error.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The "Adam" who has thrown the "Apple"

A Tablet PC is a laptop PC equipped with a stylus or a touchscreen expelling the notebooks out of the market.This product would strike you faster if I say that "iPad" is an example for this.Apple, Microsoft,Intel manufactures them while Apple and google make Operating systems exclusively for them. As the iPad is about to release, there's a sudden buzz about a gadget who stands as a strong threat for iPad. That's Adam tablet and this article throws light on the probability of it dominating the tablet market and about the deficiency of its funding resources being its Achilles' heel.

The iPad uses Wi-Fi or a 3G mobile data connection to browse the Internet, load and stream media, and install software.Cost seems to be high but apt for its features and its about $600.Its Battery can provide up to 10 hours of video or one month on standby.For general phone purposes, it uses minisim of any GSM carrier.Its display uses a screen of LED backlit IPS LCD and got the online services like iTunes store,App store,MobileMe, iBookstore and has got RAM of 256 MB and storage capacity upto 64GB.Safari is its only web browser and uses iOS as its operating system.Its processor races upto 1Ghz providing a blinking speed of performing tasks.Reading all this, you may hurry for a grabbing one but not anymore after you read about "Adam Tablet'

The Adam Tablet is a tablet computer developed by Bangalore-based KGP firm "Notion Ink". Not only it sounds outstanding regarding its features but also seems to be the commercial race winner as its price is stunning $139 dollars less than iPad. Well, going into the anatomy of this tablet, it uses Android operating system developed by Google and supports ubuntu also. Android slaps iOS in some issues like search,Ads,browsers and multitasking while the latter dominates in gaming and battery usage.It has also got the same features like 256 MB DDR2 RAM,storage upto 32 GB. With its Pixel-Qi display it outruns Ipad's and also equipped with a camera of 3.2 pixels while iPad's deprived of a camera.Connectivity through wifi,3g and bluetooth is also available.Coming to its processor, its advanced with dual core one with 1Ghz speed.Its memory can be expanded as it's got a external SD card slot.So, technically speaking Adam tablet defies the Apple's boast.

Growing innovative firms like "Notion Ink" usually faces the funding obstacles. Despite possessing capabilites of dominating the market, lack of capital stands as an ugly barrier to be so. Although many of the customers who have been waiting (im)patiently, the investors aren't in a rush and looks like the Adam won't go on sale till Christmas. Though it outperforms the apple's iPad in the technical race but it's vividly found to be the underdog fighting the Steve Jobs' commercial plots.
Looking into its humorous side, this "ADAM" is going to throw the "APPLE".

Comments are invited and can mailed to manojwowie92@gmail.com.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Entrepreneurship is orgasmic........... Isn't it????

Well, many of you guys might know well what entrepreneurship is. But to those who don't know, its q possession of a new enterprise,venture or idea, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.In simple words, if you are a kind of person who thinks "Why the hell should I work under a stupid boss?? Why don't I be the boss, huh??" and u go to start company of your own, strive hard to develop it ,make it big and fight relentlessly for it.Then u r an entrepreneur. Oh, you might exclaim why is this punk getting into this tougher and hi-fi stuff. The answer is ................

There's a student-run organisation named "ENTREPRENEURSHIP CELL in our campus. It catalyzes the reaction (student -----> ENTREPRENEUR) That's really a great job.I worked in it for one year , gone to local colleges publicizing the event named "Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2010" That's a real great opportunity for observing how a fest is conducted and what all hardships you have to endure. Finally, had a disappointing experience as I was given a job of least interest. Well, that doesn't matter much and thing here emphasized is what's the damn reason for not taking a job and creating jobs.

Well, here I come up with some awesome identities of entrepreneurs. Hope you might recognize them well
--> Steve Jobs
--> Dheerubhai Ambani
--> Sanjeev Bhikchandani
--> Sunil Handa

--> Adi godrej
--> Jamshedji
--> Sunil Mittal
--> Harish Hande and the list is too big to be displayed.

I advise you to have a look at their inspiring life stories and styles. And my favorite one is Mr.Steve Jobs , the CEO and co-founder of Apple and NeXt technologies , a great personality. Well I could finish off saying a little interesting thing about him , he didn't have money to even have a room of his own and have some good food . So, on Saturday nights, he used to walk 8 miles all the way to Hari Krishna temple and had the food from there.I insist you to know at least his life story.Well, there I had my an encounter with pretty interesting guys who started a company called "RANG-DE" . It's a great idea. In condensed form, they've opened a site where we the self sufficient people can donate small amounts of money to poor people with an interest of 5% and they pay you back online with an interest of 7% and thereby helping them and you got a 2% of profit.Isn't that great? This kind of ideas of come under "SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP".

If you think you aren't really craving for a job, enjoy pursuing entrepreneurship.!!Hope you'll have a good day. I hope.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Journey in the jungle of academics

Well, I am saying the place to be a jungle but it didn't seem to be a jungle in the early days. It all appeared to be a good place for learning and enjoying. I still can sense the nostalgia I felt those early days.Finally, the days have come for academics have come and here starts the pain in my mind. Oh!!!! Sare umram ham mar mar ke jiliye ek pal tho ab hume jeene do jeene do Well, I got to adjust for that very soon which is pretty difficult and seemed impossible for me. The lamp glows before its about to put off and in the same way I enjoyed a lot before the midsems and you can guess what would be the result.After midsems, I had to toil for getting good CGPA in the semester.

Really, one thing that's great about this journey of time is entirely new for my mind.Well, I enjoyed and suffered from it. Great things have great impacts on everything. That's the part I love it. See you guys soon.

Here, I start my pool of words............

Hi! My name is Venkat Manoj. I am first year student of the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. I am a resident of Radha Krishna Hall of residence and belongs to the batch entered in 2009 July. If you're a KGPian, you would certainly laugh at my ignorance of introducing myself in the same old fashion that everybody does in the so-called "ORIENTATION PROGRAMME". Those words are marked because they've they mean a lot in a KGPian's life, I assure you'll get aware of it later but soon. I was called a good writer in English while I was in school because I used some stupid extinct words for expressing simple things. I surely believe that's the very reason I got kicked on my butt in the Public examination. Better late than never, here I am to show off my mind's mental anatomy to you. Hahahaha!!! I would see that my writings won't sound like "bla bla bla and bla". Keep seeing it.