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Loves good food and music both Desi and western.......... I am a 2nd year student of Computer Science and Engg at IIT Kharagpur

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Entrepreneurship is orgasmic........... Isn't it????

Well, many of you guys might know well what entrepreneurship is. But to those who don't know, its q possession of a new enterprise,venture or idea, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.In simple words, if you are a kind of person who thinks "Why the hell should I work under a stupid boss?? Why don't I be the boss, huh??" and u go to start company of your own, strive hard to develop it ,make it big and fight relentlessly for it.Then u r an entrepreneur. Oh, you might exclaim why is this punk getting into this tougher and hi-fi stuff. The answer is ................

There's a student-run organisation named "ENTREPRENEURSHIP CELL in our campus. It catalyzes the reaction (student -----> ENTREPRENEUR) That's really a great job.I worked in it for one year , gone to local colleges publicizing the event named "Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2010" That's a real great opportunity for observing how a fest is conducted and what all hardships you have to endure. Finally, had a disappointing experience as I was given a job of least interest. Well, that doesn't matter much and thing here emphasized is what's the damn reason for not taking a job and creating jobs.

Well, here I come up with some awesome identities of entrepreneurs. Hope you might recognize them well
--> Steve Jobs
--> Dheerubhai Ambani
--> Sanjeev Bhikchandani
--> Sunil Handa

--> Adi godrej
--> Jamshedji
--> Sunil Mittal
--> Harish Hande and the list is too big to be displayed.

I advise you to have a look at their inspiring life stories and styles. And my favorite one is Mr.Steve Jobs , the CEO and co-founder of Apple and NeXt technologies , a great personality. Well I could finish off saying a little interesting thing about him , he didn't have money to even have a room of his own and have some good food . So, on Saturday nights, he used to walk 8 miles all the way to Hari Krishna temple and had the food from there.I insist you to know at least his life story.Well, there I had my an encounter with pretty interesting guys who started a company called "RANG-DE" . It's a great idea. In condensed form, they've opened a site where we the self sufficient people can donate small amounts of money to poor people with an interest of 5% and they pay you back online with an interest of 7% and thereby helping them and you got a 2% of profit.Isn't that great? This kind of ideas of come under "SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP".

If you think you aren't really craving for a job, enjoy pursuing entrepreneurship.!!Hope you'll have a good day. I hope.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Journey in the jungle of academics

Well, I am saying the place to be a jungle but it didn't seem to be a jungle in the early days. It all appeared to be a good place for learning and enjoying. I still can sense the nostalgia I felt those early days.Finally, the days have come for academics have come and here starts the pain in my mind. Oh!!!! Sare umram ham mar mar ke jiliye ek pal tho ab hume jeene do jeene do Well, I got to adjust for that very soon which is pretty difficult and seemed impossible for me. The lamp glows before its about to put off and in the same way I enjoyed a lot before the midsems and you can guess what would be the result.After midsems, I had to toil for getting good CGPA in the semester.

Really, one thing that's great about this journey of time is entirely new for my mind.Well, I enjoyed and suffered from it. Great things have great impacts on everything. That's the part I love it. See you guys soon.

Here, I start my pool of words............

Hi! My name is Venkat Manoj. I am first year student of the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. I am a resident of Radha Krishna Hall of residence and belongs to the batch entered in 2009 July. If you're a KGPian, you would certainly laugh at my ignorance of introducing myself in the same old fashion that everybody does in the so-called "ORIENTATION PROGRAMME". Those words are marked because they've they mean a lot in a KGPian's life, I assure you'll get aware of it later but soon. I was called a good writer in English while I was in school because I used some stupid extinct words for expressing simple things. I surely believe that's the very reason I got kicked on my butt in the Public examination. Better late than never, here I am to show off my mind's mental anatomy to you. Hahahaha!!! I would see that my writings won't sound like "bla bla bla and bla". Keep seeing it.